Upcoming Events​​​​​​​

Cornerstone Beach Vacation Bible School

July 13th @ 10AM-3PM
Restoration Ministries Church of God: 3918 Alex Harvin Hwy, Manning

Kids will learn that Jesus is our cornerstone, our solid rock we stand. When everything else changes like shifting sand, Jesus remains the same, the constant we can always depend on. Lunch will be served and we will have plenty of fun games, activities, praise and worship and a message that will encourage and challenge your child in their faith.

Cornerstone Beach is for children ages 6-5th grade. To register your child, please click on the the flyer to the left and a registration form will appear. Please fill it out to help give us an idea of who to expect for this year's VBS.

Youth Room Open

June 22nd @ 1pm-3pm
Restoration Ministries Church of God: 3918 Alex Harvin Hwy, Manning

The youth room will be open for 6th-12th grade students to come and hangout and play games. A fun day for students to connect and build friendships.

Women's Ministry

July 18th @ 1pm
Restoration Ministries Church of God: 3918 Alex Harvin Hwy, Manning

Come and enjoy food, fun, fellowship and Bible study. For ladies all ages.

Activate Summer Olympics

July 22nd, 29th, August 5th @ 6pm-8pm
Restoration Ministries Church of God: 3918 Alex Harvin Hwy, Manning

If you are looking for a way this summer to be challenged in your faith and with some fun competition, you need to join us for the Activate Summer Olympics! Each week students will hear a message from the Bible that speaks on sacrifice, endurance and the prize. Teams will compete to win a pizza party that will be scheduled at a later date. Please click on the flyer to register. For students in 6th-12th grade.